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2016-09-13 BOS mtg. min.
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Sept. 13, 2016 – 7 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN and PBMLP Jointly – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Jon Fudeman present. Also present was Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator.

7 PM   Stan opened meeting at the Heritage Bible Chapel. The Board of Selectmen/Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant attended and participated in Town Meeting. See Town Meeting Minutes.
8:36 PM  Town meeting was adjourned.
8:47 PM  The Board of Selectmen voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Stan to approve the minutes of September 6th.
        Nina provided an updated that Melissa Braconnier has begun coordinating a self-defense class.
Edie explained that she would like for us to hold a meeting with the MBI before meeting with Comcast to ask what happens if Comcast does not come to an agreement, what would our position to be with them and what are they going to be giving Comcast. She also alluded to an instance when a staff member of the MBI had stated that the town build was a good way to go. Stan suggested that we should also find out what MBI’s financial arrangement will be with Comcast and that the MBI’s meeting with Princeton should be with Peter Larkin. The Board agreed that a meeting should be called with the MBI and that we should request that the meeting be held in Princeton so that residents could attend. Edie suggested that we should ask the MBI if they could give us more funding if we do the project ourselves. Stan asked Jon if he would like to have a meeting with the MBI, Jon indicated that he would be fine with Marty simply calling the MBI to get clarification on the subjects. The Board members interested in holding a meeting agreed that they would prepare questions and send them to Marty and Nina so that we could create an agenda and be prepared for a meeting with the MBI. The Board agreed that they would like to know what their financial agreement with Comcast is.
Marty advised that the Connecting Princeton website costs will be closed out, with an expectation for a final invoice from Technical Affinity. What should we do with the Connecting Princeton website, it was launched to be a marketing tool, the content is old, Phil O’Brien and Marty are suggesting that we take down the material from the Connecting Princeton website and direct traffic to the town website. The PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Stan, second by Jon to accept the recommendation by the Assistant Manager and Marketing Team to take down the Connecting Princeton website.
The PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Stan, second by Jon to approve a payment to Ferriter and Ferriter for $5,475. Marty also updated the PBMLP on the recent invoice from PMLD. Stan asked that Marty obtain an update from PMLD on the progress of the Make-Ready.
Nina asked if we should move PBMLP meetings to every other week, and maybe place them before or after the BoS meetings. Stan and Jon voiced agreement. The PBMLP set the next meeting for October 3rd.
Nina provided correspondence which she received from the DTC. Stan mentioned the individual which he spoke with at DTC and requested that we follow up with them to ask for an update on the request for a waiver of the notice period.
Nina asked if the BoS would agree to sign a Certification that the Town has established a budget for the costs of conducting the full course and various alternative courses of litigation for the Town v. Pharmacia LLC, Solutia Inc., and Monstano Company. The BoS disagreed that we should not sign the Certification.
Nina advised that she and the Cemetery Superintendent are recommending that the BoS appoint Mr. Bruce Rollins as a Temporary Cemetery Seasonal Laborer at a rate of $14.00 per hour. The Board voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Stan to appoint Mr. Rollins as presented.
The Justice for Vanessa signs, which have been put together by Vanessa’s Uncle, Mr. Steve Therin, both the Chief and Town Administrator do not have an issue with the request.
PMLD proposal regarding the NextERA proposal to place solar panels on the Town landfill. The proposal could bring $30-40k in for the town. Jon offered to look into it.
Stan mentioned that he spoke with Atty. Ferriter regarding the use of the MLP Assistant Manager, the Town could fund the MLP Assistant Manager’s salary if he is working on Make-Ready items.
Stan asked if I had given further thought on a funding source for CATV legal counsel. Nina suggested using the Town Counsel line item and if we go over then we would need to seek a transfer(s). Stan mentioned that there does not appear to be many CATV counsel’s that are experts in the state. We will look into receiving at least 3 proposals from law firms.
Stan mentioned that it would be nice for the political signs for the STM to come down. Jon agreed to email Ed Carlson.
9:14 PM  The Board voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

BOS Referenced Documents: Correspondence from the DTC